Stored in a plastic bucket of water will turn green for a lo

Stored in a plastic bucket of water will turn green for a long time
    5 days used up a bucket of water how to do? Weapon children of staff said that if the family direct drinking slow in soup, steamed rice when, you can use bottled water, so to avoid water expired. Contact Tips comes to a single water station. This water station agent multiple brands of plastic bottled water, bottled water covering the songjiazhuang, Chengshousi two places, busy day, provides water phone constantly introduced according to the staff water stations, water supply comes prompt single approach is not the first time almost after the beginning of summer, they will be on the user to do tips annually. Staff said, before bottled water process, they are often found in the user's home bottled water summer green, sometimes unknown to the users will complain that they sent a fake water, in fact, "green water" and long time storage related. Because summer is algae, liverworts high incidence of microbial growth, the summer air humidity, many microbial spores will be blown in the air to find a place for their reproduction. Thus, in the summer drinking often suffer these microorganisms spores invasion appear "green water" phenomenon.

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