Microfiber towel works

Microfiber towel works
  Microfiber can absorb 7 times its own weight of dust particles, liquid. Each hair filaments only 1/200. That is why microfiber with superior cleaning ability. The gap between the filaments can absorb live dust, grease, dirt, until with water or soap, detergent wash. These gaps can also absorb large amounts of water, so there is a strong absorbent microfiber. And because it is only stored in the gap, so that it can quickly dry, so can effectively prevent the breeding of germs. Common fabrics: just push the dirt and backlog. The residue will be left in the surface being cleaned. Because there is no gap to accommodate dirt, so the surface will be dirty rag, and difficult to wash clean. Microfiber Fabric: countless tiny small shovel can scoop up dirt and storage until it is washed away. The end result is a clean, smooth surface. You can make use of the wet dirt and grease are emulsified, ultra-fine fibers can more easily wipe. High water absorption, it can very quickly clean spilled liquids.

Terry Towel Manufacturers, Tea Towel Wholesale, Microfiber Towels Manufacturers   www.terrytowelmanufacturers.com  

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